Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


My smile is only a thing of intense Moe,
which, by the way, embraces Happiness,
but happiness leaves it to be a thing of Moe,
which is intense, and this so intense, Moe,
that liquor in one mug can sit on you.

I would make a cake for you, but it is a phobia.
Eventually I will bake; I bought liquor for you instead;
and thus do you chillax in your apartment and
go cruising; Happy Birthday! However I chase it, and,
despite the suction of my poetry, who gives a fuck?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


Girls aren't your friends or toys. While women should be pleased
by you, a toy pleases you with friends. There is the splendid maturity

movie which I was invited to, it is called “Kidco." It is impossible
for you to become a man with a body and feelings without watching it.

You must decide whether you are going to be a man and what kind.
Your option complies of O’ Reilly, Mr. Perfect, Bernie, a purple dinosaur

and Hilary the ostentatious person. I have a character; please call it,
and watch "Boys Don't Cry.” Good luck about your choice.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


I criticize it, and am surprised by a kite;
if I criticize it, and I meet you, I will invite us for me.

While it should sleep with a lump of the blue rose,
a person can't have enough of this delicious dish,

it is a tortoise’s monologue about revisiting a lettuce bed
after an interval for one hour. You are older now

and I, for one, think that it should be time to speak
important things about manhood (becoming a person).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


I noticed that a researcher was attracted
to the people that people were attracted to.

Though I finally knew that a thing mightn't be good,
a team of psychologists and a neurologist noticed

that a person liked optimism inherently. I am guilty,
and I crawl in the warm place that you leave

when you get up and I am glad to have you
at the time that you disappear, to feel it.

Whether it is that thing’s arms--or mine--holding a kite,
and whether I ask for almsgiving, I am similar.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


most of your hair leaves it (so far),
and, by the time you were true,
it was loved and your eyes fell forth
and you were sloppy about a joint
and I became very poor.

people whom I don't understand
aren’t important at all, because
you can't be ugly on the road’s edge
where you are true in this pursuit.

A butterfly and a moth memorize
life as a potato insect. A bee can
distinguish individual faces.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


For a patient it promoted pancreatic cancer.
It is impossible anatomically.
It is just right after you need it,
and experience is something you don't obtain.

Poetry is stupid
and I’m for it.

You who are becoming,
it needs a long time.
It is the reason that it doesn't have people,
or it often breaks easily,
or it has a sharp blade,
or must be detained carefully.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


Windows is finished: my pants go downward.
I am shocking, and probably what you should be.

Rather surprised was the pinup to have been assigned to
position oneself for improvement from the inceptions,

higher than in the first century, and almost the same as
what is aimed at so that a lady's man, pinup of the present

age, is so. I surpass defense before the details defeat deducts.
You wish you tighten your belt with a buckle not your chair.

So that Inhumation buries a body in a basement or a grave,
seven Indonesians don't suffer from avian influenza.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Birthday: Iteration One.


A text found by the top of
wrapped food. All cups
can produce difference.

I was considered to be
in a facility to treat a nut.
It is easy to decay.

A 100% vegetarian
is on duty in a bottle in Fiji.
I was sent to you.

My girlfriend declared
that she wanted somebody
more like her, and traveled

to the South Pacific
Islands to drink water, and
abandoned me over Edward.

I asked her who Edward was. She
put up a copy of her book "Dawn."
She talked about an aerial vampire.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


As for me, the small quantity
that a splendid secret is
mysterious here is to be
the dirty men's underwear
whom you found on the inside

I'm sorry, as for me,
you knew which boxer briefs you
liked, but I wasn't able to find any.


The sun where your center
became on (listen)
is your center,
and your beginning
isn't your brain,
and your heart is in condition
to expel it, and please find it.
How much that can think,
that I watch,
that I crush a trust,
and a trespasser remembers
what will be violated.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am really shoddy skin,
and my daughter likewise.
However leather - I am a rock.
I must have leather.

Yes, and we walk by
a measured base on balls
and it will become late
and, as for us, a white

arrow is going to aim at
a child, and chalk will be
accompanied by a trace and,
as for the children,

the sidewalk knows the place that is over.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


It isn't the people who aren't even in the place
where some people say where the President is,
or the government insisting that
I know where the President is.

The President didn't decide where he was.

Thus I think that we were able to watch it
from the viewpoint that we got of balance (so far).
You must put a credit nail of a square
in a hall of a square, not vice versa.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

To Brandi, on her birthday


You can go down stairs
but not up, the opposite
of your bovine friends.

Happy 27th Brandi

Friday, February 6, 2009


Please do not employ
a person with the cock
which this washing machine,
Sexually, is new to.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Ah, teamwork, that's good to see."

Yellow and I made this today:

"Man Loses Shoe While Walking to the Corner Store to Buy Corn Chips and Booze"

Broken bottle cuts
my damn foot. Disinfect with
a fifth of Jim Beam.


A treatment unit of heat is ice.
An optical lighting equipment increase device
is a window washing machine.
When it shut down a factory, it is a term
used by an iron manufacture company of Pittsburgh
it is indefinite, and to idle away.
And he is better soon without doubt
and his thing suffers from a nervous breakdown
and is hospitalized, but will run around madly.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Today, in honor Groundhog's Day, I didn't wake up until 1

Though it was good,
the surface was able to talk.
It was found, a dirty white dog.
I look like a mouse.
While there was few,
it appeared (so far).
There is no neckband.
It had better be a reward