Friday, April 1, 2011

National Poetry Month, Day 1

The few of you who follow this blog regularly know that I haven't been posting much since the oh eleven started. Sorry. I've been busy. Thankfully some of the busy was writing, but a lot of it was editing. I'm getting some free time again, however, and just in time for National Poetry Month.

Like last year, these will all be sketches. Some of them won't be good, but the cool thing about blogging is that it allows the readers a glimpse more into the process of writing. One of these days I'm going to collect my favorite pieces from the past couple years, maybe polish them up a bit, and release them as a book. Hopefully a few of these new ones will make it in.

Finally, I'm always a fan of the interactive process, and would love suggestions. If there's a subject you want me to cover, a form you want me to try, a restriction you want to give me, a time limit you want to impose, etc., let me know. I'll do it.

Also: nachos.

"Scroll Over. Seriously. Otherwise You Won't Be Impressed."

Thus I was sent with a thought.
I agree, and all words don't have a storage time limit
while some others are rejects.
I'm at that time when an argument depends
on whether you are disappointed,
and you think that you don't get angry,
and with simplicity you thought you were able
to still prove anything to somebody,
do you make mistakes about the sense
of the justice that you got?

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