Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thesis Word Cloud

So I just handed in my defense draft of my thesis yesterday. Because I find word clouds so interesting, I decided to do one too:

Wordle: MA Thesis


  1. I really love the fact that if I found that in a ball on the floor of HU, I would know it was somehow related to you.

  2. LIKE: that was the biggest word in mine. It made me go back and revise the shit of it. You know, you could take out that word...i did for my clouds...i don't think i told you about our "simile talk" at school. it was funny and rad! i turned in a poem with 5 similes in one stanza...classic!

  3. Ha, I had no idea I had so many similes in there!
    Caitlin, would you say that the "Batman" is the dead giveaway?
